Creating Your First SVG File

Inkscape is a free application that lets you create vector images. You can make your floorplan as simple or as detailed as you want. It is recommended that you create an SVG element (i.e. rect, path, text, etc.) for each HA entity ( i.e. binary sensor, switch, camera, etc.) you want to display on your floorplan. Each of these elements should have its id set to the corresponding entity name in Home Assistant.

For example, below is what the SVG element looks like for a Front Hallway binary sensor. The id of the shape is set to the entity name binary_sensor.front_hallway. This allows the shape to automatically get hooked up to the right entity when the floorplan is displayed.

<path id="binary_sensor.front_hallway" d="M650 396 c0 -30 4 -34 31 -40 17 -3 107 -6 200 -6 l169 0 0 40 0 40
-200 0 -200 0 0 -34z"/>

If you need a good source of SVG icons / images, the following resources are a good starting point.

Animations not in the right position?

If you’re using animations in your floorplans, and your SVG elements are not appearing in the right position or are spinning off the page, it’s most likely because your SVG element already has a transform applied to it. Best way to resolve this is to view the SVG file in a text editor, and locate your SVG element. If the SVG element contains a transform attribute, it means that any transform you apply in Floorplan will likely conflict with this existing transform. Below is an example of an SVG element with a transform already applied.


The best way to resolve this is to create a <g> element to act as a container for your SVG element, and move the original transform attribute to the <g> element.

Below is an example of a <g> element that contains the original SVG element. As you can see, the <g> element contains the original transform, which frees up the SVG element to use any transform applied in Floorplan.

